Proyecto Esperanza
Giving back through life-changing experiences.
Llevando Esperanza a todo el que la necesita.
Activism, Social & Spiritual
Giving back through life-changing experiences.
Llevando Esperanza a todo el que la necesita.
Activism, Social & Spiritual
Signed in as:
Our amazing team of regulars and part-time volunteers are committed to helping others. We take our convictions and turn them into action. Think you would be a good fit? Get in touch for more information!
Pastors Alejo & Veronica Velazquez,
Maria Esther Bohorquez - President
Venicia Manzi - Vice President
To be an entity to rescue the physical and spiritual well-being of children, youth, women and men affected by the indiscriminate use of opioids, being the point of connection between the person and the recovery of values, achieving their integration into the home, family and society , through an innovative, voluntary and sustained progra
To be an entity to rescue the physical and spiritual well-being of children, youth, women and men affected by the indiscriminate use of opioids, being the point of connection between the person and the recovery of values, achieving their integration into the home, family and society , through an innovative, voluntary and sustained program.
Ser un ente de rescate del bienestar físico y espiritual de los niños, jóvenes, mujeres y hombres afectados por el uso indiscriminado de opioides, siendo el punto de enlace entre la persona y la recuperación de valores, logrando su integración al hogar, familia y sociedad, a través de un programa innovador, voluntario y sostenido.
Bring Education , Guidance and information on prevention and recovery of the indiscriminate use of opioids to homes , educational , institutions , hospitals and the information media, thus achieving the inclusion of the rescued person in society recovering their identity and significally improving their quality of life.
Llevar materia
Bring Education , Guidance and information on prevention and recovery of the indiscriminate use of opioids to homes , educational , institutions , hospitals and the information media, thus achieving the inclusion of the rescued person in society recovering their identity and significally improving their quality of life.
Llevar materia de educacion guia y informacion preventiva y de recuperacion del uso indiscriminado de opioides a hogares, instituciones educativas, hospitales y medio de informacion logrando asi la inclusion de la persona rescatada a la sociedad y recupereando su identidad y mejorando significadamente su calidad de vida
Zelle :
Bank America Account : 898118893366
Cell- 407-874-4651
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
Our First Fundraiser Yesterday . Walmart. A message from Maria Bohorquez!
ROMANS 10;13
Prayer Petition , write to us , share any expieriences , need a friend we are here to help
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